Another service we offer is core aeration. Core aeration is a practice that allows the soil of your lawn to physically improve. Our certified trained technicians will use a specialized piece of equipment that will remove typically 1”-3” soil cores (plugs) from your lawn and deposit them in your yard. These cores (plugs) will remain on the surface of your lawn and overtime will reincorporate into your lawn profile.
This practice of core aeration is one that has been studied and scientifically backed by the Professional Agronomist Society and the University of Georgia Turfgrass Management.
Some of the benefits of core aeration are:
- When creating these cores (plugs), they are removed and afforded the opportunity to be reintegrated into the upper soil profile of your lawn. This also provides voids from where the cores were removed, from which your lawn will have an immediate access point where water and nutrients go directly to the root zone of your turf and soil.
With the removal of these cores (plugs) your lawn is also afforded the opportunity to release plant toxic gases which can build up in the soil. These access points allow the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide to happen freely and unrestricted between the atmosphere and your soil.